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Brain Trauma Healing Tip: Ditch Sugar & Alcohol to Support Your Recovery

When dealing with a Traumatic Brain Injury one of the very unfortunate symptoms you will run into is in the morning as you wake-up you will be nauseated for no reason at all, wanting to vomit, and having symptoms of hangover-like sensation. 

This can be attributed to ongoing brain inflammation, and other neurological effects.

This sensation will continue on and off for many years until your brain is partially healed and depending on the severity of your TBI.

The Most Important Nutrition for Your Brain

The brain is most happy and function at its best when given the proper nutrients it can utilize and metabolize optimally. For example Omega-3 fatty acids, are known to support brain health. 

Because our brain is essentially made of cholesterol; fats cells & water. Healthy mitochondria in the brain and body are what gives you health and energy. It repairs everything in your body and keeps you young and healthy. The brain is best fed with red meat, and healthy animal fats. It will give your brain the building blocks to rebuild overtime, calm inflammation in the brain and body, give you more energy, and slowly will improve your overall ability to function normally within your life. 

Impact of Sugar and Alcohol To Your Brain

It is well known that excessive sugar and alcohol consumption can negatively affect your brain. High sugar intake will contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress, potentially impairing brain function and recovery.

Alcohol can have neuro-toxic effects and will interfere with cognitive function and healing processes.

In the case of a TBI it is even more of problematic to the point of incapacitating you and keeping you in bed. When we eat sugary foods or drink alcohol, it goes straight to the brain and diminishes the ability of the brain to heal or function.

While I was peeking with my TBI, my reaction to these substances was massive burning sensation in my brain!

It made me so sick I had to try to sleep to not feel any pain. The pain was so debilitating it is hard to explain. A friend of mine who was going through the same said to me: "it makes you want dive your head into a bucket full of ice to stop the burning". This imagery truly illustrated this horrible side effect!

Can Ketosis Help Your Brain's Health?

The ketogenic diet, which involves reducing carbohydrate intake to about 20 - 30 gm / day, and increasing fat intake which will induce ketosis, is highly suggested if you want a fast recovery from a TBI.

When following ketogenic diet, inflammation in the body start dissipating which allows the neurons to heal and repair or remap themselves.

Ketosis happens when the body is using fats as its main source of fuel and energy instead of using sugar. Our brain functions optimally when given fat.

Over 50 years of studies have been done on the ketogenic diet for people with epilepsy. The results are incontestable, when using this nutrition epileptic episodes disappear completely.

Ketones, produced from fats, serve as the main energy source for the brain, which is particularly useful in conditions where glucose metabolism is impaired (like diabetes).

Personally, I spontanuously started to eat lots of red meat! I knew nothing about the ketogenic diet, I didn't even know you could live on meat products and animal fats alone.

All I could think about each day was a juicy bloody red steak! And after eating red meat I felt so much better, calmer, less pain, and I felt truly nourished.

I combined my meat with lots fat. i was obsessed with duck fat! Like a pregnant woman craving certain foods. Me it was duck fat.

Because your brain has been damaged and is like an open wound, to heal fully and properly you will need to get your body into Ketosis where your body burns fats for fuel not sugar for fuel. 

This is the secret!

If you do this you will see your life, your health improve drastically. You will be on your way to recovery.

I did myself! It has been 9 years since my car accident, and I am now on mostly a carnivore diet or a durty carnivore diet. I feel completely normal without any side effects at all.

Nutrition Confusion:

Today, in our society the majority of foods we eat are made with sugar (soft drinks, juices, candies, pastries, fruits, etc) and many other food turn into sugar like pasta, bread, all grains, beans, cereals, and more.

These types of foods can fuel the body but and you grow up on these foods but long term you will develop joint pain, arthritis, and perhaps auto-immune diseases, sensitivity to many unatural products.

In the 1800s and before healthy people ate meat. Heart disease did not exist until 1930s (around that date). Most people before 1970s were extremely slender in America and around the world. We didn't add all these dies, chemicals, pestisides, hormones to our foods.

Also people made their food from scratch! Even McDonald was providing healthy burgers at that time and french fries were cooked in tallow or lard.

But today evrything is made with see oils, fake meats or meat substitutes, we promote vegetarianism , which I was for 15 years in my 20s and 30s.

We as the human race were meant to feed ourselves with meat.

In the case of a TBI or incurring such trauma I truly think today it is more of a problem and more and more common because our primary nutrition being red meat and high animal fats has been mostly eliminated from our diet. Animal fat is what feeds the brain and gives it all the nourishment it needs.

It keeps us from having depression, being overly emotional, it stabilizes mental issues, We feel physically stronger, it regulates our body temperature, we feel warmer, we eat less because of the nutrient dense it provides to our system.

Another aspect of brain disorder are Alzheimer’s and Diabetes:

Alzheimer’s disease is now referred to as “Type 3 diabetes” because of its similarities with Type 2 diabetes, particularly in how insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction can impact the brain. Research supports that metabolic factors play a role in Alzheimer's development. A Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion will resemble several other types of brain issue such as Alzheimer's.

Therefore one's diet under these condition needs to be looked at very carefully and changed to give the body and brain the tools to heal.

It is a simple change to implement yet 100s of people I have spoken to in this category don't take it seriously.

Personally, when my health and life depends on a few changes, I go for it! I make 100% of the changes immediately.

Long-Term Effects of Carbohydrates and Alcohol

Chronic consumption of high carb diets, including sugars, processed foods, desserts, and even fruits will contribute to systemic inflammation and potentially exacerbate conditions like cancer and neuro-degenerative diseases. Alcohol consumption, similarly, can have detrimental effects on brain function and overall health.

So, if you are suffering from a concussion no matter how severe or benign the trauma is, and even if you have depressions, or epilepsy, or other brain related disorder, investigate and research, or better yet; try it out and see for yourself!


DISCLAIMER: Marie-Aude Preau is a Holistic Health Coach but all the information shared in this blog and Youtube channel "Marie-Aude Preau'' and The Eclectic French Yogini is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any diseases or conditions. It isn't meant to be a  substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a medical doctor, and qualified licensed professional. The information expressed on this channel or website, including videos, blog posts, digital programs, and books are intended for informational purposes only.💗Please consult with your healthcare professionals, such as neurologists or dietitians, to support your brain recovery and overall health.


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Hi, I am Marie-Aude !

Possiblities are many. Opening ourselves to the unknown can be scary. I love to help those that are desiring and willing to change.

Your health and Spirituality is intertwined and lives in each one of us.

Let the posts come to you.

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